Who are we?
Established in 2014, FUZE is the only African-American mas troupe to grace the roads of Antigua. Founded by four women entrepreneurs, FUZE’s mission is to highlight the connection between Caribbean carnival and African traditions. Our vivid costumes have depicted cultures of several African countries and ethnic groups, including Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Africa. We are very proud of our status as members of the African diaspora and seek to share that pride with everyone with whom we come into contact.
FUZE Gives Back & the FUZEducational Exchange
Beyond Carnival, FUZE is a charitable organization committed to helping the youth of Antigua meet their educational goals. A portion of each of our stunning costume packages goes to fund two FUZE initiatives: FUZE Gives Back and the FUZEducational Exchange.
Since 2016, our FUZE Gives Back program has donated over US$5,000 in school and educational supplies to the Nyabingi Theocracy School (NTS) – a government-accredited private primary school. Utilizing technology, we initiated the FUZEducational Exchange - a weekly, web-based classroom between NTS and a private homeschool community in the Washington, DC area called The Sankofa Homeschool Collective. The aim of this program is for students and faculty to share lesson plans and classroom activities via virtual classrooms. The classes meet once a week and participate in lessons together. FUZE funds 100% of the connectivity costs toward this initiative.
In 2018, we also expanded our education outreach to the general public, with donations of backpacks and notebooks to children on the road during the annual Carnival Tuesday celebration.
Fit 4 FUZE is the official fitness and nutrition plan of the FUZE Carnival Band. Designed by Akosua Akoto, Fit4FuZE is a comprehensive program created to get you fit and ready for the rigors of ROAD. Whether you decide to travel to Antigua with us or just want to look and FEEL YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST this summer and beyond, Fit4FUZE is an incredible tool for you! Stay tuned for details on this year's challenge.
FUZE: Linking African traditions to Caribbean Carnival since 2015!